




Essential oil based recipes for household cleaning

22 April 2020

Essential oil based recipes for household cleaning

Still too many household cleaning products contain toxic substances that do not respect the environment. Of course there are Canadian standards governing the amount of phosphates and other chemicals added to our products. But in my opinion, it is not enough. It is possible to carry out an effective cleaning, by using essential oils.

What do you want to get when you clean up? A clean, disinfected place in which we have eliminated a maximum of bacteria; a place that smells clean! Several essential oils are already found in our products, but they are mainly used to add a pleasant smell. However, many oils also have antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can help purify our environment.

Cleaning wood

Personally, I love nature and wish to extend its essence into my home. So when the time comes to maintain my house, I like to use cedar essential oil. The recipe is very simple. To make your wooden surfaces shine without burning or staining them, mix 120 ml of olive oil (or linseed oil) with 10 drops of cedar (or lemon) essential oil and then apply directly to the surface using a soft cloth. This will clean and restore a beautiful luster to your furniture.

Cleaning floors

For floors, too many products contain chemicals that are then found on the hands of our toddlers or on the paws of our pets. Why not change the formula and use our grandmothers’ products? To design your own multi-use product yourself: mix 2 tablespoons (5 to 10 ml) of baking soda; two liters of hot water; 1 tablespoon (5 ml) white vinegar; 1 to 3 tablespoons (5 to 15 ml) of essential oil of your choice of lemon, orange, fir, pine or cedar. It is important to shake before each use.

For the kitchen

Are there places more conducive to the use of high toxin products than in the kitchen? Whether it is to help sanitize, disinfect and especially deodorize the oven or the refrigerator, it is possible to do the same work with natural products. First, add two drops of grapefruit, lavender, orange essential oil to purify the place. Then, add a good amount of baking soda by adding a little water and two drops of cedar essential oil to make a paste which will serve as a cleaning agent. For more stubborn stains, leave on overnight before rinsing.

In summary, what counts during your daily cleaning is to remember that an ecological gesture starts at home. Not only is it simple and economical, but in addition, Arbressence is an excellent producer and distributor of a wide choice of 100% natural essential oils that can help improve the quality of your environment. For other recipes, visit several websites, your municipal library or ask your grandmother!